The Brokery – Relentlessly Local

As some of you may know, I served four years in the Marine Corps at MCAS Miramar before returning home and graduating from ASU. This time of year always has me reflecting on my time in the service and those that I had the privilege of serving with. Please do not forget to take a moment on this Memorial Day to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live free.

I was lucky to call MCAS Miramar home for three of my four years in the Corps. On my days off, I would venture over to La Jolla to eat and watch as the real estate offices on Prospect Blvd bustled with potential buyers from all over the world. The listings in the windows were bait for just about every passerby and the local brokers that manned the shops provided quick information to those who asked questions. It was there that I first dreamed of one day owning my own real estate brokerage.

When I returned home, I was shocked to see that most real estate companies were hidden within corporate centers unlike the bustling shops that I had seen in California. I remember thinking to myself, “how in the world do they market properties from a hidden location?” It was as foreign to me then as it still is today. Real estate is local. It is meant to be out in the open and proactively marketed to the local community. If you are solely relying on Zillow and the MLS to bring traffic to your home then you may as well close your eyes and pray for rain.

My team at The Brokery sold 12 homes in May, 5 of which we brought both the buyer and the seller together. What those numbers tell me is that we aren’t just listing our client’s homes and hoping that buyers show up, but that we are actively attacking the market to find the perfect buyer. The homes that we represent are never tucked away into corporate retreat, but rather they are showcased in the brightest of lights at all of our local platforms.

Whether it’s our office in the lobby of the Biltmore Hotel or our new headquarters just north of LGO, prospective buyers are walking-in to our doors every day. Both of The Brokery’s neighborhood locations will be open 7 days a week this summer. If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to call or text my cell at 602-561-0445.

Tucker Blalock