Arcadia Lite Boundaries:
32nd Street to 44th Street, Camelback Rd to Indian School Rd.
Arcadia Lite History:
The area that is now known as Arcadia Lite began construction in the early 1950s as Cavalier Homes and others began to develop the areas on both sides of Campbell Ave. The modest ranch homes they built averaged 1,400 square feet and fit neatly together on smaller lots. Each home had just enough room for a one car carport and an outdoor laundry room. In the late 1990s, the neighborhood began to blossom and prices rose to an average of $100,000. In 2007, the Arcadia Lite Neighborhood Association was established to bring neighbors together to fight crime, protect property values, and save the special characteristics of the neighborhood. It was at this time that the association formed its “Arcadia Lite” identity that still exists today. While Arcadia Lite was originally a small enclave of homes between 32nd Street and 36th Street, the name is now widely used for all homes between 32nd St and 44th Street.
For the past decade, Arcadia Lite has been the heartbeat of Arcadia. Without the original gangsters such as La Grade Orange, Postino, Chelsea’s Kitchen, and The Vig, the Arcadia drum doesn’t beat nearly as hard around here. These local institutions put our neighborhood on the map and created a lifestyle for us that makes the rest of Phoenix jealous. While the Arcadia Lite name still exists today, those who coined the cute “Lite” name back in the mid-2000s are probably scratching their heads right about now.
There is nothing Lite about it as the neighborhood just saw its first $2,000,000 home sale and there have been 9 other sales over $1,000,000 in the past year. The average sales price also rose 15% year over year to around $600,000 in the first quarter.
But wait….there’s more! *Spoiler Alert*
The neighborhood is about to add two more local favorites to the selection. The Original ChopShop and Cold Beers & Cheeseburgers are about to join in on the fun. ChopShop recently started remodeling the northeast corner of 32nd Street and Campbell for their future home, while Cold Beers & Cheeseburgers will open their new location on the northwest corner of 40th Street and Camelback.
I have said for years that the Arcadia Lite neighborhood is completely undervalued and if these revelations didn’t convince you, now I’m screaming it from the rooftops! There isn’t another neighborhood in Phoenix that has the walkability, restaurants, and community involvement that this part of the neighborhood offers. With all of the new development taking place, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the average price per square foot tick up to $325/ft in the next couple of years as more homes are turned over.
I personally made a huge investment into the community because I believe in what is happening here. I’m all in and am ready to help Arcadia Lite level up. Over the next few months, I will be working with Arcadia Lite residents to create a new brand for the neighborhood. The “Lite” brand was cute before the neighborhood took off, but now it carries a negative connotation that in my opinion devalues the neighborhood’s true value. I think a small change to the name could have a significant impact for the greater good of the community. Any input is surely welcomed.
If you have any real estate needs this summer, please remember that we are open 7 days a week at The Brokery. Do not hesitate to call/text me anytime at 602-561-0445.